20 Archives and Libraries to Research your South American Ancestors

If you are researching your South American ancestors, there are many archives and libraries that can be helpful resources.

  • I have French ancestors and I've always found it difficult to find them in French depositories since I don't speak French.
  • However, I've found quite a bit...
8 Ways to Create a Realistic Plan for Researching your Family History

Researching your family history can be a rewarding and exciting journey, but it's important to have a plan in place to ensure you make the most of your time and resources.

  • When I started on my journey I had no plan so you can imagine all the different directions I went in following...
100+ Christmas Present Ideas for Your Favorite Family Historian

It's Christmas Time!

My favorite time of the year.

Do you have a family historian in the family and wondering what to get for him or her?

I have lots of ideas!! ...over 100 of them to be exact. 

Family Historians Love to be Appreciated

There are several reasons...